Keys to Success
· ☕ 5 min read
Passion, measurement, compounding growth mindset and inherent curiosity - each can independently lead to success. This article delves into how each element forms a distinct pathway to achieving personal and professional goals.

Value of Learning in 2024
· ☕ 3 min read
About the importance of continuous learning in today's technological landscape. Discover strategies for incorporating both mental and physical activities into your routine to better navigate through rapid changes in life and work. Make learning a lifelong journey.

Value of 100% Test Coverage
· ☕ 6 min read
Explore how 100% test coverage can help enhance code quality and team performance. This article breaks down how striving for full coverage ensures equitable workload distribution and drives the reduction of technical debt, making it a practical goal for ambitious software development teams.

Running WSL2 GUI Apps in Windows 10
· ☕ 3 min read
All of the answers I found online suggest using a complex workflow of installing X server, configuring RDP and connecting to your Linux box in order to run its GUI app. This approach is at least a few years old. It is no longer the most efficient way in 2023. Instead, you can use WSLg.

Converting to .NET 6 Core
· ☕ 7 min read
Suppose we need to convert a legacy .NET 4.5 MVC or API project to .NET Core 6.0. It might sound like daunting task at first, and if you never did this, might cause you headache for a few days/weeks, or even months depending on the size of the project. In this article I will do my best to reduce that headache by giving you starter info and some follow-up articles to learn more about the topic.

.NET Architecture - eShopOnContainers
· ☕ 2 min read
Below video is from 2018, so almost 3 years old now, but somehow I only found it now. It's a handy overview into microservices, has a few gotchas such as avoiding internal communication when fulfilling client requests, to reduce latency, as well as async workflows like adding items to cart.

Jetbrains .NET Days 2021 - Notes
· ☕ 13 min read
Here are some of the notes I took while attending Jetbrains .NET Days 2021 online event - for select sessions from Days 1 and 2. Specifically, I skipped 1 session from Day 1 (React/CosmosDB), and only watched 1 session from Day 2 (AWS/Kubernetes). This is similar to my earlier MS Build notes articles.

Speed of Coding - Important?
· ☕ 5 min read
When hiring software developers, it seems that recently the focus has been on the speed of coding. Many companies give automated 1-1.5 hour coding tests where your code can be of low quality, as long as it passes all unit tests. Is speed of producing the initial dirty version of the code actually important in modern software development?